Works great for the 1984 Honda Magna VF700C. The hose connections are in the same place as the original and even the rubber part for where the bolts hold it are the same. No issues and working as a replacement for the old one that appeared to be 40 years old. One thing to note: If your old pump dies or even your replacement pump dies and your fuel lines are OK (no blockage) check that your sub-tank doesn't have rust pieces inside of it. After removal of my replacement pump that died at 40 miles, I noticed no fuel on the IN side of the bottom of the pump. Pulled out rear wheel, battery compartment and the sub-tank and there were about 50 pieces of rust each about the size of a dime in there. When shaking it, it sounded like coins inside of it. Got them all out, cleaned the tank with distilled white vinegar and also used Por-15. After 4 days of that stuff drying in there, the new replacement pump works like a champion!